Restaurant da Elda
Restaurant in Ledro
DA ° EL ° DA the passion for cooking is a subtle intertwining of memories and emotions that lead to grandma Elda and her dream of opening a “trattoria”. Those who come to our restaurant DA ° EL ° DA will experience the way in which fresh local products are transformed into irresistible dishes. Today is Andrea that with creativity and skill, using raw materials of the highest quality, proposes dishes with forgotten flavors.
Our traditional cuisine
There is an adage according to which the foundation of happiness is good cooking and we DA ° EL ° DA are convinced about that. That’s why we pay particular attention to the pleasures of the palate. Our natural cuisine is based on a careful selection of raw materials and simple recipes that enhance the natural taste of the ingredients.
Our link with tradition is made of memory, of recipes handed down through handwritten books, of aromas and ancient flavors, all, however, revisited in a contemporary key. The link with tradition is also respect for the raw material, for its seasonality, production and processing.